Industrial Hood-Type dishwashers are perfect for large facilities – hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals,…
Hood-type dishwashers allow linear washing of the dishes at a comfortable working height, with the support of the prewash table and basket exit. Therefore, a perfectly coordinated washing process is achieved. The hood is lifted and a new basket is inserted, the hood is lowered while the machine does its job.

The DIHR hood-type dishwashers offer a wide range of models, from the ones that can be equipped with the most advanced options, to the most innovative types, designed with avant-garde electronics and with all options included. Our products have evolved together with our experience and our customers’ hints and insights. Therefore we are able to produce tailor-made models that fullfil our customers’ criteria of functionality, reliability and versatility. Our aim is to reduce consumptions in terms of energy, water and chemical products, therefore granting the user a global savings, but also less pollution and waste of natural resources.
Thanks to the MULTICHROME and FLASH light functions, the innovative multichrome and backlit key clearly shows the functions of the new OPTIMA line. Each color indicates an activity status.
HR – ENERGY RECOVERY system uses the heat produced by the machine to pre-heat the in- feed cold water. This is an immediate saving of about 35% on energy costs. Additionally, an optimal temperature in the dishwashing area is achieved as the air is no more affected by steam and humidity.
The rinse cycle is stabilized at 85°C tem- perature and flows at a constant pressure, thanks to the atmospheric boiler which avoids to add fresh water from the mains. Moreover the PLUS System grants a better control and a correct dosage of rinse-aid at every cycle.

Every machine regularly undergoes through 4 strict quality tests before being ready to be sold. The fully automized modern production plant ensures structured production processes and guarantee result of each single product. In order to provide our customers with the highest standards, DIHR has achieved 14 European patents and 11 international certifications such as ISO 9001, as well as the prestigious German and USA certification of “Quality and Performance”.